Below you will find installation instructions for NixOS, the Linux
ISO image
You can install NixOS on physical hardware by burning one of the CD
images onto a blank CD/DVD disk, or by
copying it onto a USB stick. For installation
instructions, please see the manual.
The graphical installation CD contains the NixOS
installer as well as the KDE Desktop and several applications. It’s a
live CD, so it allows you to get an impression of NixOS (and
the Nix package manager) without installing it.
The minimal installation CD does not contain the
graphical user interface, and is therefore a lot smaller. You have to run
the installer from the console. It contains a number of rescue tools.
This is a demo appliance for VirtualBox (in OVA format) that has
X11 and Plasma 5 enabled, as well as the VirtualBox guest additions. To
use it, download the OVA file, open VirtualBox, run “File → Import
Appliance” from the menu, select the OVA file, and click “Import”.
You can then start the virtual machine. When the KDE login screen
appears, you can log in as user demo,
password demo. To obtain a root shell, run
sudo -i in the KDE terminal (konsole).
You can create an instance using the AWS Management Console by
clicking one of the Launch buttons. You can also create an instance
from the command line. For example, to create an instance in region
using the EC2 API tools, just